Wednesday, April 30, 2014



As Salatu Khayrum Minan Nawm 
Prayer is better than Sleep 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014



I guess as we grow older and make further steps in life
We then tend to forget to enjoy those tiny thing in life
We tend to be wishing for something bigger to be grateful about

Which sometimes
Cause us to forget to smile upon those blessings
Those tiny blessings I mean

It is not about being able to be grateful when you get first class
Rather it is about being grateful when you able to pass

It is not about being able to be grateful when you could answer all questions
Rather it is about being grateful when you could at least not leaving anything blank unanswered

It is not about being able to be grateful only when you able to eat this one whole dish of yummy briyani
Rather it is about being able to be grateful when you could at least eat a plain rice with fried egg

It is not about being grateful only when you have everything
Rather it is about being able to be grateful when you have what you have

At the end of the day
We shall take a moment to look around

Shouldnt we be grateful when we could see the beautiful sky?

Shouldnt we be grateful when we could hear the birds are singing?

Shouldnt we be grateful when we could take a deep breath of an air?

Shouldnt we be grateful of all these priceless blessings?

Ya Rabb, May You grant us a heart that is always grateful to You and a heart that will always remember You with much remembrance

Ameen :’)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Wondering why our heart is dead


What would happen to a body that was starved, suffocated and then forced to drink poison? It would first suffer and then die an agonizing death. We willingly starve and suffocate our hearts by turning away form the remembrance of God. And then we poison our hearts through the bad company we keep, the garbage that goes into our eyes and ears, and emanates from our tongue…
And then we wonder why our heart feels dead.

-Yasmin Mogahed-

Friday, April 25, 2014

A Call To Jannah

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem

A Call to Jannah - One of the most stunning and unique Athans from Dubai, UAE

A very rare recording of the Adhān by Shaykh Jasim al-Amiri.

What is an Athan (Azan)?

The Adhān is an announcement of the prayer times and it is used to call Muslims to the prayers. The person who gives the Adhān is called the Mu’adhin (Caller).

The amazing fact is that there is not a single moment in time except that there is an Adhān going on in some part of the world. This phenomenon is due to the time differences between various regions around the world. Even as you are reading this be sure that in some part of the world, a Mu’adhin is calling mankind to worship their Creator.

MashaAllah such a amazing voice..
Please watch the video

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Happiness is not about having everything you wish 
Happiness is not about having your own plan laid out
Happiness is not about having no problem to face

Happiness is not about having nothing to worry about 
Happiness is not about having everyone you love around you
Happiness is not about having everything goes smoothly

Happiness is not about having enough time to do everything
Happiness is not about having enough money to buy everything 
Happiness is not about having a good health


Happiness is when you know despite everything that happens
You have Allah to save you and back you up

Happiness is when you know despite everything that happens
You have Allah to laid His best plan only for you

Happiness is when you know you have Allah to face your problems 
In the best possible manner

Happiness is when you know whatever Allah gives is
For your own goodness

Happiness is when you feel calamity in your heart 
Despite the turbulance that He sends down

Happiness is about your feel adequate when 
Things seems just so little

Happiness is about be able to feel grateful 
Despite the tiny Blessings that He gives

Happiness is about having Allah in the heart all time :) 
And that is happiness to me


Friday, April 11, 2014

A Choice

Life is a matter of choice 
Always there will be decision for you to make 
It is simply because you cant have everything 
Cause having everything you want or wish might be destructive to your heart
Thats why we need to choose

To choose something 
Good from bad
Jannah from Jahanam 

It is a choice of ours
And that choice of ours indeed
Determined by the level of Imaan 
In the heart 

A choice could be hard
A choice could be easy
A choice could be good
A choice could be bad

But most importantly 
If you choose 
What Allah loves
For you indeed blessings & Jannah