Thursday, April 17, 2014


Happiness is not about having everything you wish 
Happiness is not about having your own plan laid out
Happiness is not about having no problem to face

Happiness is not about having nothing to worry about 
Happiness is not about having everyone you love around you
Happiness is not about having everything goes smoothly

Happiness is not about having enough time to do everything
Happiness is not about having enough money to buy everything 
Happiness is not about having a good health


Happiness is when you know despite everything that happens
You have Allah to save you and back you up

Happiness is when you know despite everything that happens
You have Allah to laid His best plan only for you

Happiness is when you know you have Allah to face your problems 
In the best possible manner

Happiness is when you know whatever Allah gives is
For your own goodness

Happiness is when you feel calamity in your heart 
Despite the turbulance that He sends down

Happiness is about your feel adequate when 
Things seems just so little

Happiness is about be able to feel grateful 
Despite the tiny Blessings that He gives

Happiness is about having Allah in the heart all time :) 
And that is happiness to me


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